
Ministry Partnership

The partnership of individuals and churches makes ministry in Hungary and the CEEMed Region possible. As I serve, I am an extension of the ministries of all of you who partner with me through prayer, encouragement, practical help, and financial gifts.

Not that I desire your gifts; what I desire is that more be credited to your account.

Philippians 4:17

I am eager to share the opportunity to join in what God is doing in Hungary with you or your church or a group of friends who are interested in missions Please contact me to arrange a meeting.


Ministry Funding Need

My monthly funding need of $4386 consists of:

$1275 per month

Salary & Housing
$2331 per month

$780 per month

Outfit & Passage Funds are the initial set-up costs to transport the missionary and his/her belongings, and to set up a residence and office on the field. Additional O&P funds may need to be raised on occasion for specific purposes such as purchasing a vehicle or replacing a computer.

Click here to download an Intent to Support form

Click here to give through  (Enter my account number, 013189, in the search bar on this page.)


Current Status

Total Support


Outfit & Passage
Career Service
Support Need
$4385.83 per month  $101.50 per month $4,284.33  —

+ On occasion, I may need to raise additional funds for specific projects or one-time needs.

Please email me if you have any questions regarding financial partnership.


Regional Projects

Our team is committed to partnership—with each other, with national believers and churches, and with our supporters. We would not be here without you, and we will not be successful unless we all work together.

From time to time, I will share opportunities for practical partnership with you. Please let me know if you would like to help out, or if you would like more information.


ESL Opportunities

HUNGARY – Each summer our team partners with local Hungarian churches to hold English courses as an outreach to the community. If you have ESL or teaching experience and a desire to serve in this way, please contact me!

OTHER COUNTRIES – Several of our EE/CA teams use ESL camps and classes as outreach opportunities. Let me know if you are interested in hearing about more opportunities in Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, or other locations.


More Opportunities to serve in the EE/CA Region

Check out the ABWE website to look for opportunities to serve in this (or any other) part of the world with ABWE. Information can be found by location or ministry type. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about volunteer opportunities, short term service, or long term service.

If you have an interest in missions, consider coming to ABWE’s 24-Hour Demo, a one-day event held periodically throughout the year, to help people learn more about ABWE and missions opportunities. Info can be found here.